Empire West Inspections LLC

Welcome to Empire West Inspections located in Buffalo, NY where we provide services to all of Western New York including Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Allegany Counties.

We provide Inspection services on single family homes, Multi-unit dwellings, Condos, and Townhouses. Most inspections are performed prior to the purchase of a property from the buyer. However, we also encourage the seller to contact us prior to the sale to help identify any items in need. Purchasing a home is a big investment and can be a nerve-racking experience to the untrained eye. 

Our goal is to assist you on your journey to your new home and provide a level of assurance that will help you understand the pros and cons of a potential dwelling and the maintenance it will require. During our inspection we welcome the buyer to attend it with us in order to provide onsite information on any possible faults or maintenance items that may arise. Our inspection will be a written report covering the following components of the dwelling.