Radon Testing and Inspections

What is Radon?

Radon comes in a gas form without odor, taste, or color from the earth. The areas in which it can infiltrate a house is through a basement floor/ sump pit or the foundation walls. This originates from uranium that naturally occurs in the soil or rocks and breaks down into radium. When this process occurs, it creates a radioactive by product in the form of radon gas. 

Why is Radon Dangerous in Your Home?

This gas is dangerous to humans and animals with prolonged exposure. It is currently the second leading cause of lung cancer next to smoking in the united states. Similar to carbon monoxide, this silent threat is often undetected. Each household will have different readings despite the location to other houses that may have high or low readings of radon.

Why Choose Empire West For Your Radon Testing?

At Empire West Inspections we offer radon testing with state of the art 48 hours continuous monitoring. Our test provides a detailed report on the levels of radon, humidity, and temperature in your house. With this information you can determine if a radon mitigation is necessary to keep you family safe.

Providing Radon Testing & Inspections in:
Kenmore, Buffalo, Grand Island, Niagara Falls, Amherst, Williamsville, Riverside, Clarence,
& Surrounding Areas In Western New York

In-Home Radon Level Maps By County